DB Cargo Eurasia at Kazakhstan Transport Logistics Forum: Transit Potential and Infrastructure

Article: DB Cargo Eurasia at Kazakhstan Transport Logistics Forum: Transit Potential and Infrastructure

Meet our colleague Mr. Altynbek Akylbekov of DB Cargo Eurasia at the upcoming Kazakhstan Transport Logistics Forum: Transit Potential and Infrastructure 2024- held from 05. March to 06. March 2024, in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Altynbek will hold a speech about our Central Asia business and intodruce to you our products, including the premium product of Full Time Schedule Train. He is looking forward to answer all your questions regarding sustainable rail freight on the Eurasian Corridor. 

If you want to arrange an appointment with our colleague, please get in contact with him directly:

Mr. Akylbekov / altynbek.akylbekov@deutschebahn.com 

Don't miss this event. See you there!