1. train between Hefei and Wilhelmshaven

Route between Hefei and Wilhelmshaven

1. train between Hefei and Wilhelmshaven

New transport route opens in June 2021.

DBCE, as DB operator, is implementing a new connection on the Eurasian Corridor with the Hefei-Wilhelmshaven link: the train started in Hefei on 25 June with a volume of around 100 TEU. It mainly transported household appliances as well as textiles and electrical goods, which are distributed from Wilhelmshaven to the hinterland. Partners of the new connection are the state-owned port operating company Hefei International Land Port (HILP), DB Cargo Russija, DB Cargo Polska and DB Cargo Intermodal Sales. The arrival of the first direct train from the Chinese city of Hefei in Anhui Province at the JadeWeserPort Wilhelmshaven freight centre took place on 13.07.2021 at a small ceremony attended by Dmitrij Hasenkampf, Head of Sales at DB Cargo Eurasia GmbH. The next train will start in July. Further trains are already planned on this route.